Formulation of The Green Marketing Development Strategy for the Body Shop Botani Square Bogor


  • Puput Fauziah STIE Kesatuan
  • Mumuh Mulyana STIE Kesatuan


Green Marketing Strategy and Analysis, SWOT


Increasing public awareness of the negative impacts of products and production processes on the environment affects marketing and sales programs. Changing environmental issues into business issues enables businesspeople to understand the area and focus on competitive advantage according to their environmental conditions. They adapt, create, and develop competitive, green products through marketing mix programs.

The purpose of this study is to determine the right strategy to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Increasing competition then the strategy approach used must also innovate. To find out descriptive analysis is required with the data obtained from the questionnaire is destined to the experts who are experts in the field of skin care.

The result of the questionnaire will be analize using EFE, IFE, and IE method, the research result obtained the right strategy for The Body Shop is to increase promotion to minimize new product failures.

Keywords : Green Marketing Strategy and Analysis


