Corporate Governance, Discretionary Accrual, Auditor Independence, Earnings QualityAbstract
In general, this study aims to explore the monitoring model and test the
influence of auditor independence on the relationship between corporate
governance mechanism and earnings quality. Specifically to examine the effect of
Ownership Structure, Board Structure, Audit Committee Structure, Internal Audit
Function, Internal Control Activity to Earnings Quality involving Auditor
Independence interaction. Measuring the quality of profit using two proxies. First,
Performance Adjusted Discretionary Accruals with Total Accrual and the second
using Total Current Accrual.
In order to achieve that goal, the researcher builds a model using two
stages of analysis. First, explore the model through correlation and regression
analysis. Second, the Fit Model Test uses regression analysis with various control
variables and control samples.
The research object of this research is a manufacturing company listed on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2011-2015, with a selected
sample of 112 companies.
Based on hypothesis test, it is found that profit quality monitoring model is
built from relationship/interaction of variables a) Corporate Governance
covering Managerial Ownership, Institutional Ownership, Board Structure, Audit
Committee structure, Internal Audit Function, Internal Control Activity; b)
Auditor Independence, with R Square value of 5.5% and sig. 0.003. Auditor
independence has no significant effect on Earnings Quality because the value of
significance is above 0.05. All components of Corporate Governance have a
positive effect on Earnings Quality but not significant except the Board Structure
with beta value 0.140 and sig. 0.011.
Keyword: Corporate Governance, Discretionary Accrual, Auditor Independence,
Earnings Quality