Tentang Jurnal Ini


Ladies and Gentlemen,

First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to our God for the blessing and mercy that we can gather here in this wonderful event.

On behalf of ICAMS Committee, it is my greatest pleasure to welcome you all, researchers and participants, to The International Conference on Accounting and Management Science in STIE Kesatuan 16th July 2018.  Welcome.

We planned ICAMS as an event for bring together researchers, academics, and professionals from all over the world to discuss the current issue today, The Industial Revolution 4.0.

STIE Kesatuan is very proud of the presence of Prof. Dr. Bonar Pasaribu as a keynote speaker, and Prof Ridwan - Pembina Yayasan Kesatuan who came from Bandung for this event and also the entire audience.  We are all very happy for the presence of respected invited speakers, Prof. Ir. Bambang Rudyanto, PhD. from Wako University Japan, Mr. Rajesh Ranolia from NIIT India, Mr. Rakhmatullaev Shokhrukh, B.Art., MBA. From Minzu University China, and Mr. Junison Zaib as GM of Chevron Indonesia.

As the Chairman, I would like to report that today’s conference is involved by Several Countries; Indonesia, India, China, Korea and Japan, and from several city in Indonesia.

Generally, international conference held in 2 days consecutively. But today is different from the usual, where the parallel session for the researchers who will deliver the Journal, will be held on Monday, August 27 , 2018 because it concerns to the adequate time for our preparation. Therefore the submission of full paper extended until 10 August 2018 which immediately reviewed by the reviewer Team. The output of this conference will be design in the form of ISBN international proceedings, especially for presenters.

On this moment, I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to Bu Yayuk Nurjanah as The chairman of organizing committee and all members of the committee for the hard work that has been and will be given.

Ladies and gentlemen, accordance with the Committee agreement, on behalf of the The chairman of STIE KESATUAN (Pak Nusa Muktiadji) hereby We open officially The ICAMS 2018.  Hopefully this event can takes place successfully and provides great benefits to all of us.  Thank you.


Jan Horas V Purba

Chief of Committee