Intellectual Capital to Value of Business Creation Considering Previous Return on Assets


  • Ari Purwanti Universitas Islam As-Syafi’iyah

Kata Kunci:

intellectual capital, return on asset


This research is based on the findings of previous studies that use variable Return on Assets in the same period as the period of the components of intellectual capital measured. In fact, the company in carrying out the components of intellectual capital refers to the previous period of Return on Assets. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the previous period of Return on Assets on the influence of the components of intellectual capital; which consists of Value Added Human Capital, Value Added Capital Employment, and Structural Capital Value Added; to the value of business creation. This study uses moderating regression analysis with panel data for the 2013-2015 period in the manufacturing industry listed on the IDX. The results, using the fixed effects model of panel data, prove that the previous period of Return on Assets weakened the positive influence of Value Added Capital Employment on the value of business creation.

Keywords: Intellectual capital, Return on Asset

