Analysis of Corruptors Demography to Prevent Corruption (Study on Court Judgment at Bandung District)


  • Benedictus Peter Sinarto Universitas Katolik Parahyangan
  • Sylvia Fettry

Kata Kunci:

Corruption, Demography, Fraud, Prevention


Abstract. Corruption is a big problem for Indonesia. We can prevent corruption by
different ways, such as identifying the perpetrator of corruption, and also by making
demographic perpetrators of corruption. By recognizing the perpetrators of corruption,
prevention is expected to be more effective and efficient. Corruption in the Reformation era
tended to spread in different regions as decentralization by the government. Therefore,
regional based profile is needed, because the tendency of corruption in a region can be
different from other regions.
This study is developed a demographic of corruptor by conducting a case study on Court
Judgment at Bandung District on some corruption cases that occurred in West Java.
Nevertheless, there are some cases outside of West Java. The profile of corrupt perpetrators
in West Java, is aimed to support the corruption prevention in West Java distinct
This research is conducted by carrying out documentation of the Court Judgment at
Bandung District on corruptions in order to produce corruptor demographic covering
gender, age, education background, type of job, financial losses of corruption, and general
description of corruption behavior.
The result of this research is that some of the criminal acts of corruption are done together.
Based on genders, the majority of perpetrators of corruptions are male. But in average
losses, women and men have average equal losses. In terms of age, the majority of corrupt
perpetrators are in productive age. Older corruptors have a tendency to generate higher
losses. In terms of education, the majority of perpetrators of corruption have higher
education and the higher education of corrupt perpetrators, the higher losses of their
corruption. In term of type of job, majority of corrupt perpetrators are government
employees and other public servants such as headman of village and member of regional
house of representative.
Keywords: Corruption, Demography, Fraud, Prevention

