Stock Performance Analysis



  • Putri Agustianawati Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kesatuan
  • Ratih Puspitasari Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kesatuan

Kata Kunci:

Stock Price, Share, and Dividend, Earning Per Share (EPS).


Abstract. Stock performance can measure how the company manage its shares to be able
to generate funds from investors to fund the company and also can measure the value of the
company in front of potential investors. With a good stock performance then potential
investors will be interested to buy shares of the company so that funds coming from
potential investors can be used by companies to fund the activities of the company.
Factors affecting the company's stock performance can be derived from internal factors ie
fundamental performance, the better the fundamental performance of the company the
better the performance of its shares. And as the expected investor of the money already
invested is the yield. In this study, stock performance is measured by calculating Earnings
Per Share (EPS) and market value of equity. Period of research conducted for 5 years, 2012
- 2016. The data used is the financial statements of the company are analyzed with
financial ratios, Du-Pont, Z Score.
In accordance with the above background, this study aims to find out how the performance
of shares of PT Eratex Djaja, TBk. In this research, PT Eratex Djaja, TBK has good
financial performance from 2012 until 2015 as sales always increase so that EBIT owned
by the company also increase. From asset management and corporate debt also increased
from 2012 to 2015. From the increase of internal financial performance of the company
caused the stock performance of PT Eratex Djaja, Tbk also increased so as to give earnings
per share which always improve every year. However, in 2016 the financial performance of
PT Eratex Djaja, Tbk has decreased, this is because stocks of companies began to be
abandoned by investors because the company never distributed dividend from 2012 until

Keywords : Stock Price, Share, and Dividend, Earning Per Share (EPS).

