The Influence of Repositioning Strategies on Purchase Intention Through Brand Personality and Brand Association


  • Andri Gautama Putra Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kesatuan
  • Saefudin Zuhdi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kesatuan

Kata Kunci:

Repositioning Strategy, Product Positioning, Purchase Intention, Brand Personality, Brand Association, Oppo Smartphone.


Abstract. This study aims to determine how much influence of the repositioning strategy
to purchase intention through brand personality and brand association of Oppo smartphone
products. The policy from Oppo smartphone producer in order to change their products
positioning become more specific as a camera oriented smartphone considered to be able to
increase purchase intention in a few years back. Brand personality and brand association
become factors that is considered capable of mediating between implementation of
repositioning strategy with the increase of purchase intention Oppo smartphone products.
This research method is using path analysis to test the direct influence and indirect
influence of implementation repositioning strategy to purchase intention with a quantitative
approach. Sources of data in this study are primary data obtained by distributing
92.640 members.
From the research conducted, result obtained that there is direct influence of repositioning
strategy to purchase intention. Repositioning strategy also have a significant effect to both
brand personality and brand association. However, repositioning strategy do not have
indirect influence to purchase intention well through brand personality as well brand

Keywords: Repositioning Strategy, Product Positioning, Purchase Intention, Brand
Personality, Brand Association, Oppo Smartphone.

