The Effect of Cash Flows and Accounting Profits on Stock Prices Empirical Study of Manufacturing Companies Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2016


  • Airin Nuraini Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kesatuan
  • Nurhalimah Nurhalimah Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kesatuan

Kata Kunci:

Operating cash flow, investing cash flow, financing cash flow, profit accounting, stock price


Abstract. The study aims to empirically examine the effect of cash flow that consist of
operating cash flow, investing cash flow, financing cash flow and accounting profit to stock
price on manufactur companies in Indonesian Stock Exchange. This study used secondary
data obtained from company financial reports from the period 2013 until 2016 manufactur
company are listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange. Test were conductes are deskriptive
statistics, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, coefficent
determination, F test, and t test with using the aplicaion program SPSS version 23 for
Simultaneous research results show that the operating cash flow, investing cash flow,
financing cash flow, and profit accounting significantly influence to stock price. Partially,
profit accounting significantly influence to stock price. Operating cash flow, Investing cash
flow and financing cash flow do not significant influence to stok price.

Keywords : Operating cash flow, investing cash flow, financing cash flow, profit
accounting, stock price

