Impairment of Fixed Assets (Tangible Assets) According to PSAK 48 on The Financial Statements.

Case Study on Various Industrial Sector Manufacturing Companies Listed in The Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX).


  • Rafidatul Al Amani Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kesatuan
  • Lukas Moerdihardjo Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kesatuan

Kata Kunci:

impairment of fixed assets; PSAK 48


Abstract. Fixed assets are one of the factors that greatly support the company's operational
activities. As a tool that can support company activities, fixed assets usually have a long
service life, so they can be expected to benefit the company for years. But many companies
keep fixed assets that have experienced obsolescence or physical damage and are not neatly
arranged. For this reason, management needs to consider whether the value of an asset is
impaired or not by performing an impairment test. If the carrying value of an asset exceeds
its recoverable value, management must recognize an impairment loss on the asset.
The purpose of this study was to find out how the decline in value of fixed assets (tangible
assets) according to PSAK No. 48 in various industrial sector manufacturing companies
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and their effects on financial statements.
The study was conducted on three industrial sector manufacturing companies using
qualitative descriptive methods and analyzing financial statements for the 2016 and 2017
The results showed that of the three companies studied, they had applied accounting
principles both in terms of policies, recognition, measurement, presentation, and
disclosures presented in the financial statements in accordance with PSAK 48 (revised
2014). As well as a decline in the value of fixed assets is very negative effect on the
company's financial statements, namely the decline in the value of fixed assets in the
statement of financial position. The company must also recognize an impairment loss on
assets so that the decrease in profit in the statement of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income decreases.

Keywords: impairment of fixed assets; PSAK 48

