Quality Cost Control Evaluation, in The Framework of Product Quality Improvement

(Case Study At PT Ayuda Group Hotel Management)


  • Fransisca Septiyani Firandita Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kesatuan
  • Tri Marlina Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kesatuan

Kata Kunci:

evaluation of quality control cost and quality of product


Abstract. Cost control to improve product quality at PT. Ayuda Group Hotel Management.
Descriptive analysis of profit, then made a comparison between budget and realization.
Techniques of collecting these data by documenting the data. The purpose of this study is
to know how the quality control of quality in a hospitality company to improve product
quality at PT. Ayuda Group Hotel Management. Every company has cost control, but the
cost control of each company will be different depending on how style the leaders in the
company itself. The more competitive the competition in the business world requires every
business manager to work with high efficiency and can develop products or services in
accordance with the exact needs of the existing control procedures and if possible done
reduction or refinement costs, as well as calculation of the cost and quality of the company
to annual accounting periods or shorter periods to select the best alternative that can
improve the quality or decrease in costs. From the research results we can know that the
comparison of realization and budget cost quality and quality, it is known that the
realization of cost kuaitas greater than the budgeted and so also with profit, previous profit.
Improved quality is effected from efficient, cost-efficient quality efficiency, which
indicates that high cost levels with appropriate controls will create high profit margins and
quality quality.

Keyword: evaluation of quality control cost and quality of product

