Influence Firm Age and Firm Size With Intellectual Capital Performance

(Empiric Study in Banking Sector in Indonesia Stock Exchange for Period 2013-2015)


  • Desi Efrianti Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kesatuan

Kata Kunci:

Firm Age, Firm Size, Intellectual Capital Performance, VAICTM.


Abstract. Influence Firm Age and Firm Size with Intellectual Capital Performance
(Empiric Study in Banking Sector in Indonesia Stock Exchange for period 2013-2015).
Globalization at the moment is driving rapid economic changes. And the performance of
Intellectual Capital is required by companies to deal with global competition today. This
study using Intellectual Capital performance measured using Value Added Intellectual
Capital (VAICTM) and is a method that used in this research as dependent variable and
firm age and firm size as independent variable.
The purpose of this research was to investigate the influence of firm age, and firm size on
the firm performance with Intellectual Capital performance as dependen variable. This
research was quantitative descriptive analysis using purposive sampling method with
criteria that have been set, and resulted 30 samples from 43 populations. The data that used
is taken by downloading data from Indonesian Stock Exchange
The result show that simultaneously firm age and firm size affect significantly to
Intellectual Capital performance, but in partial resulted firm age affect positively and does
not significant on the Intellectual Capital performance. And firm size negatively and
significantly affect on the Intellectual Capital performance.

Keywords: Firm Age, Firm Size, Intellectual Capital Performance, VAICTM.

