The Effect Of Customer Perception And Service Quality On Customer Satisfaction At Klappertaart Huize Bogor


  • Dimas Aryo Baskoro Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor
  • Damas Aryo Anggoro Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor
  • Willian Harry Setiawan Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor

Kata Kunci:

customer perception, service quality, customer satisfaction


The background of this research is that there are many restaurants in Bogor as of now. This phenomenon pushed
Klappertaart Huize to increase their service quality that will affect their eventual customer satisfaction. Besides
service quality, there’s customer perception that also will affect the customer satisfaction. After a brief interview,
it’s found that many customers send their complaints to Klappertaart Huize through internets. With customer
perceptions that always change, research was conducted.
The purpose of this research is to know how much customer perceptions and service quality’s influences could
be to the customer satisfaction. To achieve said purpose, the writer did a thoroughly literature review, constructed
a conceptual, then composed hypothesis. In the process, the writer distributed questionnaire to 50 customers for
samples. After the data has been collected, they were analyzed using quantitative data analyzing. The analyses
covered; validity, reliability, classic assumption, regression multiple, (t) and (f) tests, as well as Determination
Coefficient (R
(t) test showed values for every variable: 3.698 (X1) and 6.516 (X2) with t
value 2.012. The result showed
that customer perceptions and service quality are partially affecting customer satisfaction. (f) test showed that
customer perceptions and service quality are simultaneously affecting customer satisfaction. The result of
determination coefficient was 0.69. It explained that 69% of customer satisfaction is influenced by customer
perceptions and service quality. Another 31% of it is explained by other variables that weren’t conducted by this

Keywords: customer perception, service quality, customer satisfaction

