Design of Cataloging System for Users of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia


  • Wahyu Indra Satria Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan, Bogor
  • Pingky Dezar Zulkarnain Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan, Bogor
  • Intan Permatasari Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan, Bogor

Kata Kunci:

cataloging, system, enterprise, soft system methodology, hermeneutic


Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are one of the most important aspects of economic growth in Indonesia.
Information technology that developed in the industrial era 4.0, has become one of the components that have an important impact
on the growth and progress of MSMEs in Indonesia. Information technology has many positive impacts on the growth and
progress of MSMEs in Indonesia. However, there are also negative impacts of information technology that are detrimental to
MSMEs actors in Indonesia. The example of these detrimental activities such as illegal e–commerce, customer hijacking,
predatory pricing, etc. Many MSMEs actor, who use information technology in Indonesia are negatively affected because there is
no system to help directing Indonesian customers to choose and to make transaction with verified and valid MSMEs actors from
Indonesia. Based on this case, regarding to existence problems that are detrimental to MSMEs actors, as well as to promote
MSMEs in Indonesia and helping Indonesia's economic growth, it is necessary to conduct research to design a verified formal
cataloging system for MSMEs users in Indonesia. This research is to design a cataloging system for MSMEs users in Indonesia
using the modification of soft system methodology and hermeneutic. The intended design is result of implementation from soft
system methodology stages one until four (extracting from MSMEs actors who are object of research), then it will be combined
with the application of hermeneutic method to obtain a definition and a conceptual model of the cataloging system for MSMEs
users. The results of this research are intended so MSMEs customers in Indonesia can be directed to choose and use the products
or services of MSMEs actors in Indonesia that have been tracked and verified with a valid, formal and scientific fundamental.

Keywords: cataloging, system, enterprise, soft system methodology, hermeneutic

