Heritage Travel Pattern Planning in Cirebon City and Regency


  • Samuel Samuel Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor
  • Wildan Rizky Rahadian Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor
  • Nisa Rahmaniyah Utami Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor

Kata Kunci:

Heritage, Travel Pattern


In coping with globalization, it is essential for a city to have a brand as a direction for city development in a local
and global context. West Java province in Indonesia is located on the island of Java which posses high value
tourist attractions. Cirebon City and Cirebon Regency, referred to as Cirebon region, having its status as a National
Activity Center in West Java Province, holds distinctive and unique characteristic, well known for Heritage
Tourism. Tangible heritage tourism in Cirebon region includes Kasepuhan Palace, Kanoman Palace, Kacirebonan
Palace, Gunung Jati Tomb, Sunyaragi Cave, Mask Dance, Sintren Dance, Gamelan Renteng musical instruments,
Sang Cipta Rasa Great Mosque, while intangible heritage tourism includes Cirebonan Literature and Cirebonan
Tembang. However, it is very unfortunate that there is no heritage tourism travel pattern in the Cirebon region.
On the basis of the condition, research team is drivenly motivated in creating heritage tourism travel pattern and
making a study entitled "Planning Heritage Travel Pattern in Cirebon City and Regency". This study applies
descriptive method, as previously presented by Neuman (2013) stating descriptive research is "Research which
main purpose is to provide an overview presenting words, numbers, profiles, types of classifications, or outline
stages in terms of answering questions in relation with who , when, where, and how”. This study aims to obtain
description for the Planning of Heritage Travel Pattern in Cirebon City and Regency. The target of this research
is finding out the actual condition regarding the tourists profile, tourist attractions, facilities, and amount of time
consumes by tourists traveling within Cirebon region. Furthermore, research team made technical
recommendations for heritage tourism travel pattern that would be available as tour packages and are expected to
contribute to local governments, private parties, communities and tourists in Cirebon region.

Keywords: Heritage, Travel Pattern

