Consumer Acceptance Perception of Citronella Oil Extraction as Bio Additive Innovation


  • Ani Mekaniwati Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan, Bogor
  • Dwi Maulina Intitut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan, Bogor
  • Nadia Sabila Hanifah Intitut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan, Bogor

Kata Kunci:

citronella oil, bio-additive, consumer perception, alternative fuel


The increase in the number of vehicles impacts increasing the use of fuel and the resulting pollution—the impacts the decreasing availability of energy so that it must be replaced with alternative renewable energies. The purpose of this study is to determine how much consumers accept citronella oil products,how comfortable consumers are using a mixture of citronella with biodiesel, and consumer perceptions about the benefits of using citronella oil as a bio-additive. This study used 36 samples of two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicle drivers in the city of Bogor. The method used in this study uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). This study shows that respondents' motivation does not affect the interest in using citronella oil bio-additives; perceptions, attitudes, and respondents positively affect the interest in using citronella oil bio-additives. will reduce exhaust emissions is a strong impetus to use bio-additive citronella oil; knowledge of citronella oil bio-additive products is a strong impetus to use this product
Keywords: citronella oil, bio-additive, consumer perception, alternative fuel

