Determinants of Students Entrepreneurial Intention During Covid-19 Pandemic : A Conceptual Model


  • Odetha Agra Kirana Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan, Bogor
  • Mumuh Mulyana Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan, Bogor

Kata Kunci:

entrepreneruship, entrepreneurial intentions, students, pandemic


The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the corporate, industrial and business sectors. The impact of this pandemic
is a real threat and challenge for workers and business actors. The millennial generation has a role in the nationbuilding
process. With simple, fast and practical thinking, this millennial generation is able to create new ideas
that can become fresh new innovations. Students as the millennial generation, have the potential to develop their
entrepreneurial spirit that can use for manage new businesses. Student Entrepreneurial intention is influenced by
internal and external factors. Based on empirical studies, entrepreneurial perceptions, motivations and individual
characteristics affect student entrepreneurial intentions. Entrepreneurial perceptions measured by three
dimensions: (1) perceived lack of support to aspiring entrepreneurs, (2) fear of failure, and (3) perceived lack of
competency. Perceived lack of support assess by four items including lack of: (a) assistance in assessing business
viability, (b) organizations to assist entrepreneurs, (c) formal help to start a business, and (d) legal assistance or
counseling. Perceived lack of competency measure by four items including: lack of (a) high entrepreneurial
competence, (b) knowledge, (c) experience in management and accounting, and (d) knowledge of the business
world and the market. Fear of failure was assessed by one item: fear of failure. Individual Characteristics
indicators are: a) Ability, b) Interest, c) Value, d) Attitude, e) Education, f) Needs. The motivation indicators
consist of: a) The need for achievement. b) The need to expand the association. c) The need to master a job. The
indicators of Entrepreneurial Intentions are: a) Self-esteem b) Personal feedback c) Desire to be a boss d)
Innovation e) Flexibility and f) Profit
Keywords: entrepreneruship, entrepreneurial intentions, students, pandemic

