Development of Basic Organization and Human Resources for MSMEs in Bogor City


  • Gen Gen Gendalasari Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan, Bogor
  • Nusa Muktiadji Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan, Bogor
  • Heri Sastra Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan, Bogor

Kata Kunci:

Management, Organization, HR, MSME, community service


The company will always try to develop its business, one of which is by improving business processes. This is
intended so that the company achieves optimal profit results from activities. In the process of business
development, companies need organizational activities that are used to support the smooth operation of the
company. Organizational management is an activity that supports the process of business operations. By forming
an organization, the business can specialize in work according to the expertise of each member of the organization,
so that the business that is run can run optimally. The main purpose of this mentoring activity is to provide insight
and understanding to MSME actors in Bogor City about strategies to form organizations according to their
business needs. So that with a good organization and according to operational needs, MSME actors can develop
their business. The implementation of Community Service activities in the form of organizational management
training for SMEs in Bogor City has been carried out well. Indicators of satisfaction with the training include: (1)
1. Positive response shown by participants during the activity, (2) The suitability of the material with the needs of
the perpetrators of SMEs in the city of Bogor in knowledge of organizational management, (3) Participants
understand the importance of the material presented because it relates to businesses managed by SMEs in Bogor
City, (4) This community service activity can be used as a sharing of conceptual knowledge to implementation
for presenters and participants.

Keywords: Management, Organization, HR, MSME, community service


