Web-Based Herbal Plant Dictionary For Generation Z Students Learning Media


  • Medika Risnasari Trunojoyo Madura University, Bangkalan
  • Laili Cahyani Trunojoyo Madura University, Bangkalan
  • Abd Asis Student of Trunojoyo Madura Unniversty, Bangkalan

Kata Kunci:

web, dictionary, learning media, herbal plants, elastic search


Generation Z is a generation that lives in the era of technology. The improvement of digital literacy for
Generation Z needs to be done so that they use the internet wisely, responsibly and safely. Web-based electronic
learning media is one of the learning media in the era of technology that provides easy learning. Knowledge of
Nusantara herbs and spices that need to be known by the public, especially the younger generation as the
preservation of the nation's culture. From the various factors that exist, this study aims to develop a dictionary
application of herbal plants and Madura herbal as a learning media for Generation Z, especially students of
Pharmacy Vocational School in the era of technology.
This research is a Research and Development research through the Rapid Application Development
(RAD) method approach. The stages of the RAD research method are analysis of requirements; application
design : database desaign, font-end design, back-end design; product development and implementation to users.
The features of the product are the identity of herbal plants and are useful as traditional medicines that are
commonly used by the Madurese community with a search system using an elastic search.
The results of this study obtained web design validation test results of 91%, 100% functional test and
80% individual group user test, small group trial 83.67% and large group trial 86%. So it can be said that the webbased
dictionary application about herbal plants can be used by students as a very feasible learning media.
Keywords: web, dictionary, learning media, herbal plants, elastic search

