Review Of The Knowledge Level And Ability Of Order Takers At The Royal Padjajaran Hotel Bogor – West Java


  • Muhammad Irfan Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor
  • Putra Fauzan Setiawan Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor

Kata Kunci:

Knowledge Ability Order Taker


Housekeeping is one of the departments that provide services to guest, so an order taker is needed as a liaison between the Housekeeping Department and other department in the hotel and becomes a liaison with guest. Order taker must have knowledge of what is in the hotel, especially about the Housekeeping Department, ranging from room type, room facilities, room status, to what guest supplies are variable in hotel rooms. The order taker must also be able to make decisions in handling complaints from guests who are dissatisfied with services provided by the Housekeeping Department. The order taker officer must have good work quality because it can affect guest satisfaction and will have a direct impact on guest comfort.The purpose of this study was to find out about the knowledge and abilities of order takers at The Royal Padjajaran Hotel Bogor.
The Research method used is descriptive analysis technique. Taking a sample of all 25 employees of the Housekeeping Department. Collecting data by observation, interviews and questionnaires using a Likert scale.
The results show that: The level of knowledge of the order taker’s room information at The Royal Padjajaran Hotel Bogor has met the sufficient criteria, seen from the results of the questionnaire that the order taker’s knowledge is 43.33% and the level of decision making ability of order takers at The Royal Padjajaran Hotel Bogor which meets the sufficient criteria, seen from the results of questionnaire that the knowledge of order takers is 39.43%.

